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Just Motivation

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This is just a word of my motivation, I hope this motivation affect beneficial even for you, to be successful amen.(Dighca)

  • Do not ever be afraid to be a fool, a fool is zero. from Zero we can be Hero
  • Jangan terlemahkan oleh angin permasalahan. Layang-layang mampu terbang tinggi karena berani melawan angin. Hanya layang-layang yang putus benang yang hanyut oleh angin. 
  • Take one decision, held until the end of time, do not regret :) Impossible is "Myth",Do not say you give up before you try to the last. failure of a delayed attempt to make something so much better.Do it if you feel confident, especially if you have WILLINGNESS and ABILITY, then CHANCE will follow you! 
  • Cacimaki Jadikan Motivasi 
  • Belajarlah sendiri selagi bisa, karena dirimu pasti mendapatkan kepuasan dan imajinasi yang banyak....!! jangan pernah bertanya selagi kita diberi kemampuan untuk berfikir....!!,Niat dan yakin itu kuncinya :) 
  • Whereas imagination will take you everywhere. therefore I like the imagination. therefore also I learn myself because I would sure get a lot of satisfaction and imagination! And I'm Proud of Yourself With imagination Because the imagination I could make a masterpiece 
  •  Be yourself, do not need to wear a mask

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